Case studies

Find out more about the organizations that have chosen Mark Sign for their document management

Mark Sign kliento finomark spalvotas logotipas

“We realized that after introducing qualified electronic signature and digitization of customer management processes, time required to service borrowers decreased by 30 to 40 percent.”

– Grazvydas Balcas, CEO of FinoMark
Mark Sign kliento Saulės grąža spalvotas logotipas

“Document signing with an electronic signature is a quick and easy solution, so now we can dedicate more of our time towards new project development.”

– Deiminta Noreikiene, Chief Commercial Officer of Saules graza
Mark Sign kliento spalvotas logotipas

„We are focused on efficiency and strive to simplify all processes for our customers as much as possible, so with Mark Sign, all contracts with our customers and partners are signed quickly and conveniently.“

– Giedre Blazgiene, Managing Director at
legal balance spalvotas logotipas

„By using Mark ID and Mark Sign e-ID solutions, we can achieve our goal of providing the highest quality legal services, speeding up work processes and maintaining the highest security standards.”

– Marius Slepetis, CEO of Legal Balance
prevence legal spalvotas logotipas

“Mark Sign solution makes work easier for our team, and above all creates a much easier way to collaborate with customers.”

– Edgaras Margevicius, Lawyer, Founder of Prevence spalvotas logotipas

“There is no need anymore to gather paper contracts, customers do not need to print and sign them by hand. We use Mark Sign solution to sign all contracts: both with clients and partners.”

– Rimante Serpytiene, Customer Service Manager at Fastlink
Skaidri apskaitos sistema logo

“Electronic Qualified Signature – the time-saving future is inevitable.”

– Remigijus Nemira, CEO
verslo angelai logo

“Signing agreements with Mark Sign is a fast, simple and reliable process.”

– Daiva Rakauskaite, CFA, certified financial analyst and manager of “Verslo angelų fondai”
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